The setup program contained with the directory c:\otdisks are
an alternative OfficeTalk executable. They should only be installed
if you are having consistent problems with OfficeTalk
becoming the active application and popping up over the top of
other applications.
A full explanation of this problem is detailed in the readme.txt contained in the D:\OTSCR file.
To change the current executable to the new executable;
1. Log all your users out of OfficeTalk
2. Ensure all your remote users have logged back onto the main database
3. Run C:\OTDISK\Setup.exe
4. You will be prompted for your current data and executable path.
5. OfficeTalk will inform you that you are upgrading a current OfficeTalk installation. Press OK.
6. OfficeTalk will inform you that the installation procedure is complete
If you and your users run the executable from the server, you will be able to use the new executable immediatley. If you have users running the executable locally, use Netsetup.exe in your OfficeTalk root directory to install the new executable.
This version of OfficeTalk will stop OfficeTalk from becoming the active application. However with certain applications
you may find that the screen does not refresh properly.
Please contact OfficeTalk Technical Support if you have any further questions